Staff Update - 2024

The RDFNL is pleased to announce a staffing update. Following Aaron McLean’s resignation in March, the RDFNL are pleased to announce the following staffing update with a new employee and a new title for an existing employee.

Hugh Hart has been appointed as the RDFNL Football Operations Manager.

We are excited to welcome Hugh to RDFNL HQ and he will begin in his new role on Monday, April 8th.

Hugh was the standout applicant for the role and comes to the RDFNL with two years experience at the AFL in Talent Operations where he worked in the operations and management of the Coates Talent League, VFL and VFLW and the National Championships.

Hugh also spent some time at the Victorian Racing Club as well as completing an AFL Sports Ready Certificate III and IV in Business.

We look forward to Hugh commencing next week and his email address will be This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

With Hugh’s appointment, we also have an upgrade to Grace Bibby’s title.

Grace who is currently our Media & Netball Manager will now become General Manager – Operations.

Grace has been involved with the RDFNL for a long time now and is no stranger to all at club land.

Grace will still be managing the Netball, media and events parts of the business but will also take on a greater role and responsibility in the operational space crossing over into football.

There will be further communication to RDFNL Clubs on who is the best contact for what questions and queries the RDFNL can assist with.